
and rot so much in getting good grades and pleasing chc
teacher.lt's not as .if having; a great time inhibited anyone's
academic3,,out you ..ever anon. ;u.vin.; tne last quarter of the
eighth grade,I got two 95%'s in my favorite teacher's class.
I guess that goes to show that it's hard to hand a paper in
to someone you don't like►It seems like at the end of the
year,I did better in everything,and I didn't even seem to
notice what was going on.
I wear glasses,.which will someday drive me crazy because
I van never takethem off except when I go to bed,I play soc-
cer with them,I run in them, I' m surprised I don't swim in
them.One of these days,.!' 11 be able to wear permalenses,
tJ^e kind of lenses that you can wear all the time..Oh well.
I really enjoy being with friends,especially when there
are no adults around to make sure we don't talk dirty.If
there's one thing; i hate it's an aduilt that thinks they're
on top of the world and that kids are really low life.The
best time anyone could show me would be to just sit around
and not feel like you're under pressuure to have to say some-
thing intelligent,but you do anyway.I'm always having vis-
ions of me and three or four other people hanging around af-
ter a big party and just conversing: about something.lt's bet-
ter with a lot of people because there's always someone read-
y to, say something.lt' s not always a brilliant statement,but
it ma,kes for a constant flow.It never happens to me that of-
ten where I get to lull around like that,.but I wish it did.
I'm unusual in my little group because I can play the
piano, while no one else I know can.I'm the only guy I know
that plays it,so I consider myself odd that way.
I like the people I hang around with,but I don't see.
them all enough .-When I do see them,.we all have a pretty
good time,.whatever we're doing^In high school,,we all think
we're gonna have a great time,but I don't see it^at least
not for me,It seems like a lot goes on at my school, that I
don't know about.I'm interested in finding out what goes on
after school lets out,but I'd feel idiotic asking someone,
- Author
- mark thomas